Selected Publications
A complete list of publications is accessible below.
Peer-reviewed articles
Kaplan, J., Hoffmann, C., & Cosnefroy, L. (2024). Freedom of choice contrasted with course ownership – students’ and academic staff’s understanding of learner autonomy in a select engineering school. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 48(2), 182-195. doi:10.1080/0309877X.2023.2300385
Kaplan, J. (2019). Coévaluation entre pairs apprenants comme échafaudage de la régulation du processus de l’apprentissage. Évaluer. Journal international de recherche en éducation et formation, 5(1), 47–65.
Read the paper (PDF) freely available on the journal’s website
Simonian, S., Chaker, R. & Kaplan, J. (2019). Affordance en e-formation et régulation de l’apprentissage : une exploration dans un contexte d’études universitaires. TransFormations – Recherches en éducation et formation des adultes, 19.
Read the paper (PDF) freely available on the journal’s website
Kaplan, J., de Montalembert, M., Laurent, P., & Fenouillet, F. (2017). ERICA - An Instrument to Measure Individual and Collective Regulation of Learning. European Review of Applied Psychology, 67(2), 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.erap.2017.01.001
Kaplan, J., Bencivenga, R., D’Angelo, V., Kunz, S., Bignami, F., Charnley, A., & Tsoneva, S. (2016). Migrant Professional Carers in Four European Regions – A Comparative Exploration of Their Learning Needs. The International Journal of Public and Private Management, 3(1), 100-124.
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Fenouillet, F., & Kaplan, J. (2012). The Prod of On-Site Course Inflexibility. International Journal of Learning Technology, 7(2), 212-227. doi: 10.1504/IJLT.2012.047988
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Carré, P., Jézégou, A., Kaplan, J., Cyrot, P., & Denoyel, N. (2011). L’autoformation: The State of Research on Self (-Directed) Learning in France. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning 8(1), 7-17. ISSN 1934-3701.
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Jézégou, A., Carré, P., Frétigné, C., Jore, M., & Kaplan, J. (2011). Autodirection dans la formation et carrière. Carriérologie, revue francophone internationale, 12(1-2), 73-89. ISSN 1702-7268.
Fenouillet, F., & Kaplan, J. (2009). Impact of Learning Modalities on Academic Success. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL), 2009(2). ISSN 1027-5207.
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Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Kaplan, J. (2024). Remodeling Learning Culture in the Workplace – Analysis of Eight Learning Circles Through ActionResearch. In L. Uden & D. Liberona (Eds.), Learning Technology for Education Challenges (Vol. 2082, pp. 229–240). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-61678-5_17
Read the paper (PDF) Note: The final publication is available by clicking the doi link above.
Kaplan, J. (2021). Swapping Learning Management Systems: Self-Regulated Learning, Program Completion and Academic Achievement. In Uden, L. and Liberona, D., (Eds.), Learning Technology for Education Challenges. LTEC 2021, (Vol. CCIS 1428, pp. 65–76), Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Read the paper (PDF) Note: The final publication is available by clicking the doi link above.
Kaplan, J. (2019). Variations in Self-Regulation of Learning On-Line Versus On-Campus. In Uden, L., Liberona, D., Sanchez, G., & Rodríguez-González, S., (Eds.), Learning Technology for Education Challenges, (Vol. CCIS 1011, pp. 214–223), The 8th International Conference in Learning Technology for Education Challenges (LTEC 2019), Universidad de Salamanca, Zamora, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-20798-4_19
Read the paper (PDF) Note: The final publication is available by clicking the doi link above.
Kaplan, J. (2019, July 9-10). Autorégulation des apprenants, contextes et méthodes de recherche en sciences de l’éducation : propositions tirées de recherches empiriques. Symposium Autorégulation/apprentissage autorégulé à la lumière des contextes et des disciplines, Les rencontres internationales du Réseau de recherche en éducation et en formation – REF 2019, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Toulouse.
Kaplan, J. (2018, June 20). Putting to Test a Model of Self-Evaluation of the Learning Method in an e-Learning Environment. International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education (TECH-EDU 2018), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
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Kaplan, J. (2017, July 4-5). Coévaluation entre pairs apprenants comme échafaudage de la régulation du processus de l’apprentissage. Symposium Apprentissage autorégulé et régulation des apprentissages : le rôle de l’évaluation, Les rencontres Internationales du Réseau de recherche en Éducation et en Formation – RÉF 2017, CNAM, Paris.
Kaplan, J. (2016). Learning Strategies and Interpersonal Relationships of Students Learning Cooperatively Online. In L. Uden, D. Liberona, & B. Feldmann (Eds.), Learning Technology for Education in Cloud – The Changing Face of Education (Vol. CCIS 620, pp. 103-111). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42147-6_9
Read the paper (PDF) Note: The final publication is available by clicking the doi link above.
Kaplan, J. (2015). Applying Adult Cooperative Learning Underpinning Principles to Learning with Social Media – An Overview and Implications for Research. In L. Uden, D. Liberona, & T. Welzer (Eds.), Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (CCIS 533, pp. 93-103). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22629-3_8
Read the paper (PDF) Note: The final publication is available by clicking the doi link above.
Kaplan, J. (2014). Co-regulation in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments. In L. Uden, J. Sinclair, Y.-H. Tao, & D. Liberona (Eds.), Learning Technology for Education in Cloud. MOOC and Big Data (CCIS 446, pp. 72-81). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10671-7_7
Read the paper (PDF) Note: The final publication is available by clicking the doi link above.
Heutte, J., Kaplan, J., Fenouillet, F., Caron, P.-A., & Rosselle, M. (2014). MOOC User Persistence - Lessons from French Educational Policy Adoption and Deployment of a Pilot Course. In L. Uden, J. Sinclair, Y.-H. Tao, & D. Liberona (Eds.), Learning Technology for Education in Cloud. MOOC and Big Data (CCIS 446, pp. 13-24). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10671-7_2
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Kaplan J. (2010) From Self-Direction to Co-Direction in Adult Cooperative Learning. In: S. M. Brigham, D. Plumb. (Eds.) Connected Understanding: Linkages Between Theory and Practice in Adult Education. Montreal, Quebec: Adult Education – Congresses, p. 176-180. ISBN 9781895306651.
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Fenouillet F., Kaplan J., Yennek N. (2009) Serious games et motivation. Le Mans. In: S. George, E. Sanchez. (eds.) 4ème Conférence francophone sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH'09), vol. Actes de l’Atelier “Jeux Sérieux: conception et usages”, p. 41–52.
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Kaplan J. (2009) Informing Governance - Research Results on Self-Direction in Study Circles. June 11, Stockholm: Civil Society as an Arena of Learning. ESREA Network Active Democratic Citizenship and Adult Learning conference, 16 p.
Kaplan J., Carré P. (2007) Self-direction in Study Circles - A Hypothesis in Support of Active Citizenship in 21st Century Europe. Seville: Diálogos. In: E. Lucio-Villegas, M. Del Carmen Martinez. (eds.) 5th ESREA European Research Conference. Adult Leaning and the Challenges of Social and Cultural Diversity: Diverse Lives, Cultures, Learnings and Literacies, vol. 2, p. 80–87. ISBN 9788493578732.
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Overview articles, book chapters, books
Kaplan, J. (2019). Putting to test a model of self-evaluation of the learning method in an e-learning environment. In Tsitouridou, M., Diniz, J. A., and Mikropoulos, T. A., editors, Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, volume 993 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 3–12. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-20954-4_1
Read the paper (PDF): The conference paper published in this volume can be found above under Peer-reviewed conference contributions.
Kaplan, J. (2019). Les stratégies d’autorégulation collective des apprenants adultes en e-Formation. In Jézégou, A., editor, Traité de la e-Formation des adultes, chapter 11, pages 263–286. De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve. ISBN 9782807323001.
Heutte, J., Fenouillet, F., Kaplan, J., Martin-Krumm, C., & Bachelet, R. (2016). The EduFlow model: A Contribution Toward the Study of Optimal Learning Environments. In L. Harmat, F. Ø. Andersen, F. Ullén, J. Wright, & G. Sadlo (Eds.), Flow Experience - Empirical Research and Applications (pp. 127-143). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28634-1_9
Kaplan, J. (2013). L’autoformation collective. In P. Cyrot, C. Jeunesse, & D. Cristol (Eds.), Renforcer l’autoformation: Aspects sociaux et dimensions pédagogiques (pp. 189-208). Lyon: Chronique Sociale. ISBN 9782850089619.
Moisan, A., & Kaplan, J. (2010). Les formes collectives et organisationnelles de l’autoformation. In P. Carré, A. Moisan, & D. Poisson (Eds.) L’autoformation: Perspectives de recherche (pp. 219-268). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF. ISBN 9782130586906.
Kaplan, J. (2010). L’autodirection dans les apprentissages coopératifs: Le cas des Cercles d’Étude. Saarbrücken: Éditions Universitaires Européennes. ISBN 9786131501692.
Kaplan, J. (Ed.). (2010). Pourquoi et comment identifier les apports d’une autoformation collective ? - Quatre exemples dans différents contextes européens. Proceedings of LAbObs conference, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Sep 25, 2009. Paris: CDM.
Kaplan, J. (2009). Book review: “Informal Learning in the Workplace - Unmasking Human Resource Development” J. Garrick, London - New York, Routledge, 1998. In: G. Brougère, & A.-L. Ulmann (Eds.), Apprendre de la vie quotidienne. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. p. 174. ISBN 9782130572077.
Kaplan, J. (2009). Book review: “The necessity of informal learning” F. Coffield, Bristol, Policy Press, 2000. In: G. Brougère, & A.-L. Ulmann (Eds.), Apprendre de la vie quotidienne. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. p. 171. ISBN 9782130572077.
Kaplan, J. (Ed.). (2000). Fiches pratiques du multimédia en formation - utilisation des nouvelles technologies éducatives pour les premiers niveaux de qualification. (2 ed.). Paris: CLP. ISBN 2951595603.
Kaplan, J. (2000). Les technologies nous permettent d’avancer dans nos pratiques professionnelles car elles nous poussent à nous interroger sur ce qu’on ne faisait pas ou pas assez dans le passé. Colloque européen pratiquer la formaTIC. Les cahiers de l’adapt, 2000-3(147), 9. ISSN 01825437.
Kaplan, J. (1998). Réseau de formation individualisée à distance pour les zones rurales de la région PACA. Rapport final Étude-évaluation. Commandité par la DRTEFP PACA., 52.
Kaplan, J. (1997). Réseau de formation individualisée à distance pour les zones rurales de la région PACA. Rapport des phase III Étude-évaluation. Commandité par la DRTEFP PACA., 45.
Kaplan, J. (1997). Réseau de formation individualisée à distance pour les zones rurales de la région PACA. Rapport des phases I et II Étude-évaluation. Commandité par la DRTEFP PACA., 2 vol., 41.